September 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 29th September 2022 At Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm.
Those present: Councillor Dormer, Councillor Davis, Councillor Perie, Councillor Roberts, Councillor Willey and Councillor Drew
In Attendance: Karen Handley (Clerk) District Councillor Gray
Public: 2 members of public.
Public Forum
The biggest issue was that of traffic through the village, and the condition of the road through the village
045 Election of Chair: Councillor Dormer nominated himself which was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed. Declaration of acceptance of office signed by the Chair.
046 Apologies: None
047 Declarations of Interest: None
048 To approve the notes of the meeting held on 21st July 2022 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to be correct by Councillors in attendance. They were signed by the Chair.
049 County Councillor Report: County Councillor not in attendance. However, Cllr Bradwell had circulated an email to all Councillors regarding speeding and the state of the road from Roughton to Kirkby on Bain.
Action: The Clerk was asked to liaise with Cllr Bradwell regarding the condition of the road going out of Roughton to Kirkby on Bain. The condition of the road edges within the village also need attention.
050 District Councillor Report: District Councillor Gray informed the meeting that ELDC were hoping to relocate to the Horncastle Hub and be operational by the 9th January 2023.
Purple lidded bins are in the process of being delivered and schedules for collection distributed.
An Electoral Canvas survey is also underway.
Smart wrist bands are being rolled out to help those individuals suffering with dementia. Clerk had been sent a poster which she would forward on to all Councillors.
Aligned with Boston Borough Council and South Holland the focus is on Environmental Crimes.
Horncastle Christmas Market will take place on Sunday 11th December 11-4 p.m.
051 Clerks Report: The Council had been given permission by ELDC to fill the vacancy through co-option.
Web site needs attention, the Clerk asked the Councillors to review the website as their thoughts/ideas would be appreciated. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
052 Finances:
• Bank balance and signing of statement: The current account balance was £3,806.47. The bank statement was signed by the Chair.
• New signatories required for bank account: Due to the resignation of Councillor Poucher a new signatory was needed. Councillor Terry Davis agreed to be a signatory and was agreed by all Councillors.
Action: Clerk to complete necessary paperwork.
053 Planning:
Applications received
S/141/01389/22 Roughton Hall, Main Road, Roughton Woodhall Spa LN10 6YJ -No objections
S/141/01001/22 120 Horncastle Road Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX Erection of 4no.houses each with attached double garages, existing building onsite to be demolished-objections raised due to the fact that the development did not support the linear character of the area.
S/141/01625/22 Tower View, 90 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX Erection of a replacement dwelling. Demolition of exisitng dwelling/outbuilding-No objections
Full Planning Permission
None received
Refusal of Planning Permission:
S/141/01389/22 120 Horncastle Road
054 To consider the actions required regarding speeding through the village:
The Council discussed strategies to combat the issue of speeding through the village as this is the main concern of parishioners and Councillors. Councillor Perie has had contact with the Police who visited the village after the last Council meeting. She has also moved forward with recruiting volunteers for the Community Speed Watch initiative. This was discussed as the Parish Council have not yet agreed to finance this scheme. The Clerk did advise the Council that funds were limited and any action taken should be as a result of the Council acting as a Corporate Body. It was resolved that the Clerk should contact Cllr Bradwell and ask for a more detailed explanation of the speed check to find out the extent of the speeding problem.
055 To consider and resolve whether to proceed with installation of white gateways -Cllr Roberts to explain information received from Glasdon:
Councillor Roberts presented the information she had received from Glasdon regarding the purchase of village gateways. This had already been circulated to Councillor via email. After discussion, it was felt that two sets of gateways would be needed. Other suggestions for reducing the speed of traffic through the village included moving the 30-mph speed sign, bigger 30 mph speed signs and possibly looking to purchase a reactive speed sign.
Action: The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Bradwell and Kyra Nettle, Highways Officer to arrange a walk though in the village with Councillors so that they could discuss the above suggestions.
The Clerk will also contact Graeme Butler from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to see if any funding was available.
The Chair suggested that a meeting be organised with interested residents to discuss the Council strategies regarding speeding, after meeting with LCC representatives. All Councillors were in agreement.
The meeting was closed at 8.32 p.m. to allow the two members of the public to comment on the suggestions made by the Council to combat speeding. The meeting was reopened at 8.40 p.m.
056 Parish Council Vacancy: The Council had been given permission by ELDC to fill the vacancy though co-option. Liana Spurrier was duly co-opted and she was given her Declaration of Acceptance form and DPI form to complete.
057 Training available from LALC: Training from LALC website.
058 Date of next meeting: The date of the next Roughton Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 17th November 2022 at 7.30 p.m. Agreed by all. The meeting was closed at 8.50 p.m.