May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th May 2022 at 7.55pm in Roughton Village Hall

Those present:  Councillor Poucher (Chair), Councillors Davis, Dormer, Perie, Roberts and the clerk Mrs S Helliwell. 

In Attendance:  None.

Public:   1 member of the public present.

006       Election of the Chair:  It was proposed by Councillor Dormer and seconded by Councillor Davis to re-elect Councillor Poucher as Chair for the following year.  Paperwork was completed as required.

007       Election of the Vice Chair:  It was proposed by Councillor Poucher and seconded by Councillor Davis to elect Councillor Dormer as Vice Chair for the following year.

008       Election of the RFO:  It was proposed by Councillor Poucher and seconded by Councillor Dormer to re-elect the clerk, Mrs Helliwell as RFO for the following year.

009       Apologies:  Councillor Drew visiting family out of area and District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray attending ELDC’s AGM.  Councillors proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to accept these apologies. 

010       Declarations of Interest:  None.

011       Minutes of the meeting held on 20th May 2021:  These were proposed, seconded and resolved to be correct.  They were signed by the Chair.

012       Review of Standing Orders:   All Councillors present having seen the current copy of Standing Orders proposed, seconded and resolved them to be correct.

013       Review of Financial Regulation:  All Councillors present having seen the current copy of Financial Regulations proposed, seconded and resolved them to be correct.

014       Review of Risk Assessment:  All Councillors present having seen the current copy of the Risk Assessment proposed, seconded and resolved it to be correct.

015       Review Code of Conduct:  All Councillors present having seen the current copy of the Code of Conduct proposed, seconded and resolved it to be correct.

016       Review Fixed Assets Register:   All Councillors present having seen the current copy of the Fixed Assets Register proposed, seconded and resolved it to be correct.

017       Approval of Year End Accounts:  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the accounts presented by the clerk.  They were signed by the Chair.