March 2022 Minutes


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 10th March 2022

At Roughton Village Hall starting at the 7.30pm.

Those present:  Councillor Poucher (Chair), Councillors Davis, Dormer and Drew and the clerk Mrs S Helliwell.  

In Attendance:  County Councillor Bradwell and District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray.

Public:   2 members of public.

             085      Chair’s Remarks:  The Chair thanked everyone for attending and giving their time and apologised for missing the last meeting in January.

             086      Apologies:  None. 

087      Declarations of Interest:  None.

088      To approve the notes of the meeting held on 13th Jan 2022 as minutes: 

            These were proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to be correct by Councillors in attendance.  They were signed by the Chair.

089      County Councillor Report:  County Councillor Bradwell said that the resurfacing of Horncastle Road was nearly finished and this would be completed when the sewerage work for the new properties was all done.  The flooding at Sandy Lane junction was due to have specialists come in and look at the drains as some of them had collapsed and the soakaways were to be replaced but there is still a lot of catching up to do.  What about the flooding at Ox Pasture Lane in Thornton?  CC Bradwell said she had reported this to Highways twice and will provide them with photographs of the flooding next time there is heavy rain as there is no outlet for the water.  The Recycling Centre at Kirkby-on-Bain will be moving in June 2022 and work is currently being undertaken at the new site to construct the entrance and exit.  What about the planning for the crematorium as access to the site is now an issue when planning consent had been granted?  CC Bradwell said this may be due to the area being a bridleway and so many dog walkers, cyclists, ramblers etc and the proposed increase in traffic.  She provided the Chair with contact details at East Lindsey District Council.  Why are the public toilets in Woodhall Spa closed?  CC Bradwell said she thought they were being refurbished as she had seen ELDC vans outside over several days.

090      District Councillor Report:  District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray said there were two new funding streams available to the public.  The Household Support Fund provided by the Department for Work and Pensions where people have to be referred by a professional body if they were struggling financially.  This scheme has already received thousands of applications from the public.  Also, Green Home Grant Funding – 7.25 million pounds available from 1st April for loft insulation, underfloor heating etc which is open for households with incomes below £30,000.  Regarding the Ukraine crisis – LCC/ELDC have come together again as Lincolnshire Resilience Forum to support and offer donations, emotional support etc.  All the information is in one place – LCC website.

091      Clerks Report:                                                                                                                                  

a.  Co-option of Councillors – Two member of the public present advised of their interest in joining the parish council in the two vacant positions.  After reading out the criteria both agreed they were eligible to join the council.

Louise Roberts – Proposed by Councillor Dormer.  Agreed by all.

Diana Perie – Proposed by the Chair.  Agreed by all.

Paperwork was signed as necessary and the ladies were invited to take part in the meeting and contribute from now on.

b.  Police Report.  Nothing received, which was a good sign.

c.  Sandy Lane flooding – The clerk advised she had contacted Highways who had confirmed what CC Bradwell had said earlier and that a CCTV survey was to be completed.

d.   LIVES Certificate.  The clerk showed the meeting a certificate from LIVES thanking the parish council for their donation of £30.

e.   The clerk advised of highways structures works on Wellsyke Lane in April.

092      Notice Board:  After being approached by Councillor Drew, the clerk said she had received a quote from Mr Clayton with regard to the refurbishment of the notice board.  The quote was for £220.00 and all councillors thought this was better value than potentially purchasing a new notice board which could be approaching £800 - £1000.  All Councillors agreed that the clerk contact Mr Clayton and ask him to undertake the work quoted for.

093      Planning:                                                                                                                  

a.   Applications: S/141/00386/22 – 62 Horncastle Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincs, LN10 6UZ – No objection.  S/141/02289/21 – Bainland Lodge Park, Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, Lincs, LN10 6UX – No objection. The clerk said she had received correspondence from a resident on Horncastle Road regarding the Bainland Lodge Park planning application and her disappointment that the Parish Council did not have any objection to the plans.

b.   Permissions Granted:  The Old Mill TNT, Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, Lincs, LN10 6YQ – Full Planning.

094      Training Available:  The Clerk informed all of the training currently available.

095      Finances: 

a.   Bank Balances and signing of statements.  The clerk confirmed current account balance of £3112.59 and deposit account balance of £15.14, a total of £3127.73.  Bank statements were checked by all and signed by the Chair.

b.   Precept Update.  The clerk confirmed she had received confirmation of receipt by ELDC.

c.   Payments required.  Nil.

d.  Bank Signatory Paperwork Update.  The clerk confirmed she had received a letter from Santander requesting that the clerk/RFO sign the paperwork – She had replied to the letter stating this had been signed as required by herself and is awaiting a reply from the bank.

096      Date of Next Meeting and Items for Agenda:  The date of the next Roughton Parish Council Meeting will follow the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Council meeting that will be held on Thursday 12th May 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.  Agreed by all.

Agenda Items:  Items to be forwarded to the clerk prior to the agenda being published.

097      Clerks Salary and Expenses:  The Council agreed to pay the clerks salary and expenses for the period 13th Jan 22 – 10th Mar 22, £328.09, Cheque No. 700291.

Meeting Closed at 8.12pm