July 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 21st July 2022 Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm.
Present: Councillor Poucher (Chair), Councillor Davis, Councillor Perie, Councillor Roberts
In Attendance: Sarah Helliwell (Clerk), Karen Handley (Clerk), Kyra Nettle (LCC Highways)
Public: 5 members of public.
Public Forum
The biggest issue was that of traffic through the village/speed of traffic. It was felt that this was an issue particularly morning and evening. The HGV traffic was also concerning and this has been addressed through letters sent by the Clerk to the local haulage company. The lack of footpaths and the narrowness of the roads was also considered to be an issue. A suggestion was made that perhaps the 30-mph sign needed moving/sign with a speed camera symbol might be worth looking into.
031 Chair’s Remarks: The Chair thanked everyone for attending and offered his resignation, with immediate effect.
032 Apologies: Councillor Dormer and District Councillor Grey had given their apologies. Councillors proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to accept these apologies.
033 Declarations of Interest: None
034 To approve the notes of the meeting held on 12th May 2022 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to be correct by Councillors in attendance. They were signed by the Chair.
035 County Councillor Report: County Councillor not in attendance.
036 District Councillor Report: District Councillor not in attendance.
037 Clerks Report: The Council had been given permission by ELDC to fill the vacancy through co-option. Mr Robert Willey was duly co-opted and the Clerk gave him his Declaration of Office and DPI form to complete.
038 Speeding Update: The Clerk confirmed that she had written to the haulage company at Roughton Moor regarding the speed at which their lorries were travelling through the village. This had been received positively by the haulage company who were keen to foster good relations with the Parish Council. They were keen for parishioners to report any haulage vehicles who were perceived to be speeding to the company.
The representative form LCC Highways did inform the Council that County Council Bradwell has liaised with the local police regarding the concerns of the Parish Council. A range of options were discussed, improving signage, weight restrictions through the village, setting up of Community Speed watch group and the need to collect data to inform measures which can be taken by LCC.
Action: Councillor Roberts will contact Kirkby-on- Bain regarding the Community Speed Watch scheme.
039 Improvement to gate, Martin, Horncastle: As County Councillor Bradwell was absent, this matter was not discussed.
040 Planning:
S/141/01206/22 Land to rear of 74 H/C Rd Roughton Moor, LN10 6UX No objections
S/141/01262/22 Bainland Park, H/C Rd, Roughton Moor LN10 6UX No objections
Full Planning Permission
S/141/00526/22 Bainland Park, H/C Rd Roughton Moor, LN10 6UX
S/086/02022/22 Land off Brackenbury Close, H/C Lincs, LN9 5BE
S/141/00593/22 The Old Mill, H/C Rd, Roughton Moor
S/141/00573/22 The Old Mill Business Park, H/C Rd, Roughton Moor
Refusal of Planning Permission:
S/141/00531/22 Plot North West of Eastfield, H/C Rd, Roughton Moor
041 Training available: Training from LALC available.
042 Finances:
a. Bank Balances and signing of statements. The clerk confirmed current account balance of £4,125.26 and deposit account balance of £15.14, a total of £4,140.40. The bank statement was signed by the Chair.
b. Audit -the Clerk confirmed that she had sent the paperwork to the External auditor.
043 Date of Next Meeting and Items for Agenda: The date of the next Roughton Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 15th September 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Agreed by all.
Agenda Items: Items to be forwarded to the clerk prior to the agenda being published.
044 Clerks Salary and Expenses: The Council agreed to pay the clerks salary and expenses for the period 12th May 22 – 21st July 22, £318.79, Cheque No. 700298. The clerk introduced the new clerk Mrs Karen Handley who will be in post as of the end of the meeting. The Chair thanked Sarah for all her hard work and invaluable service since 2007.
Meeting Closed at 8.17pm