November 2023 DRAFT Minutes


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 16th November 2023 at Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm.

Present:  Councillors K. Dormer (Chair), T. Davis, D. Perie, L. Roberts, J. Drew, L. Spurrier.

Not present: R. Willey

In Attendance:   A. Everard (Acting Clerk)

Public:  Five members of the public 

046   Public Forum:  

047   Chair’s Welcome and Remarks: The Chair welcomed all present. The chair welcomed K.Handley in an observation capacity with a hope to return to work in 2024. 

048   Apologies: R.Willey – it was RESOLVED to approve the reason given for absence. 

049   Declarations of Interest:  None

050   To approve the notes of the meetings held on 21st September 2023 as minutes:  

These were proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to be adopted as the minutes of the council.  They were duly signed and dated by the Chair.  

051   County Councillor Report:  Cllr Bradwell said the village speed limit extension was being progressed. Kirkby on Bain new road-laying including Rime’s Lane will take place in 2024/25 financial year. Land is currently waterlogged in many places so drainage is a serious issue following recent storms. Potholes must be reported via FixMyStreet app or online.  Potholes outside Blackhouse Farm are known. If the parish council has concerns about large trucks and other vehicles passing through the parish conduct a survey to provide some data.  It was noted that the parish council had already asked local transport depots to advise drivers to avoid the village and to use alternative main roads. 

District Councillor Report:  Cllr Gray said that 2 month’s rainfall had fallen in 48 hours during Storm Babet in October. Households affected by flooding are eligible for grants, Council Tax relief and £5,000 grant to make properties flood resistant – see East Lindsey DC website for more information. About 200 properties affected in East Lindsey area (112 in Horncastle, 25 Kirkby on Bain, 10 in Minting). No property in Roughton Parish had been identified as flooded (as at the date of the meeting). Cllr Gray reminded the parish council that the PRIDE team was available for improving the parish if requested. There were also several consultations going on. A Flood fair in expected to be put on in 2024. Other information is available on the ELDC website, monthly e-news and written report. 

The Chair thanked Councillors Bradbury and Gray for their presence and contribution. 

052   Finances:

a) Bank balances and bank statement signed: The current account balance was £2,522.58 with £2519.12 in deposit account. 

b) Payments: £254.05 LALC. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the payment.

c) NJC Payscales: It was noted and RESOLVED to adopt the new NJC Payscales effective from 1/4/2023. 

d) Budget 2024/25: It was noted that spending in 2023-34 financial year is expected to include the cost of a new pole from Community Speed Watch £300. The Council may need to invest in a new laptop of £600.  They will also need to pay £250 to Kirkby-on-Bain for the Community Speed Watch equipment. 

Expenditure items for the next financial year may include refurbishment of the Roughton village telephone box, installation of a defibrillator and/or books for which a grant may be sought, there may also be a noticeboard required.  The parish council wants to develop a newsletter for delivery to the parish/village so will need to investigate costs of production but a budget of £75 might be appropriate. 

Other expected costs for 2024/25 will include Internal Audit £60, village hall room hire £150, LALC 5-hour webmaster service £85 + VAT and LALC subscription £250.36 (5.54% increase) which covers the advice, templates and services for local councils.

The budget and precept figures will be prepared for approval at the next meeting in January. 
053   Planning matters:

Applications considered               


Planning application

Decision of Council

S/141/02082/23 LAND REAR OF 52A EASTFIELD HOUSE, HORNCASTLE ROAD, WOODHALL SPA - Planning Permission - Erection of a house with garage and construction of a vehicular access.

Resolved to delegate to the Acting Clerk to submit to ELDC if there are any comments.

S/141/02133/23 LAND NORTH AND WEST OF MARTIN BRIDGE, HORNCASTLE ROAD, MARTIN - Planning Permission - Construction of a vehicular access, hardstanding and service road for the new crematorium.

Resolved to delegate to the Acting Clerk to submit to ELDC if there are any comments.








054   Highway Issues 

a) Community Speedwatch: Sessions held in Roughton village.  Kirkby on Bain team likely to start shortly.  Hoping to get some more sessions in as every little bit reduces the average speed. 

b) Update from Highways 

Parish Council raised the quality of light from lamps on Horncastle Road which may need a good clean.  Cllr Bradwell will chase up with LCC Highways. A request to extend the 30MPH zone discussed and will be taken up by Cllr Bradwell to discuss with the Highways Officer. 
055    Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Complaints Procedure, Code of Conduct: It was RESOLVED to adopt and publish on the website.  

056   Horncastle Road Telephone box and usage:  the door is missing, and BT Openreach have confirmed that they will not be replacing it. Further maintenance will need to be agreed. 

057   Newsletter and information distribution: parish councillors felt that a newsletter would be useful if they could get it distributed across the parish and to highlight the parish council website. Parish Councillors were interested in perhaps using Horncastle Matters if they could make a small donation (£25?).  Wappentake was not considered as relevant at this time. 

058   Haltham Parish Meeting: It was RESOLVED not to seek a grouped parish arrangement.  Parish councillors would be happy to meet residents if they sought a meeting in future. 

059   Correspondence:  The items were noted. 

060   Next meeting: 18/1/2024 7.30pm 

Meeting closed at 21.15.