January 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 23rd January 2023 at Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm.
Those present: Councillor Dormer (Chair), Councillor Davis, Councillor Perie, Councillor Roberts, Councillor Spurrier
In Attendance: Karen Handley (Clerk), District Councillor W Gray (arrived 7.50 p.m.)
Public: 1 member of public.
Public Forum
No comments from the public forum.
075 Comments from the Chair: The Chair had no comments apart from to welcome all to the meeting.
076 Apologies: Councillor Willey
077 Declarations of Interest: None
078 To approve the notes of the meeting held on 17th November 2022 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to be correct by Councillors in attendance. They were duly signed and dated by the Chair.
079 County Councillor Report: Councillor Bradwell was not present at the meeting.
District Councillor Report: District Councillor Gray had emailed a report which the clerk had circulated to all Councillors. He clarified that ID would be needed to vote but this would be publicised on social media.
080 Finances:
Bank balance and signing of statement: The current account balance was £3,806.47. No bank statement was available for signature as the Clerk had not received one from Santander.
081 Planning matters:
Applications received since 17th November 2022
Planning application |
Decision of Council |
S/141/01206/22 land to rear of 74 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX Erection of a dormer bungalow and 1no bungalow with garages and consideration of a vehicular access. |
No objection if there is no pumping station for the whole site |
S/141/02378/22 108 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX Erection of a detached garage (double) with a first-floor home office |
No objection |
S/1 41/02458/22 Section 73 to vary condition No.4 (layout and numbers) and condition n0.7 (provisions for parking and turning of vehicles. Campsite rear of 104, Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor LN10 6UX |
No objection
Full Planning Permission:
S/141/02060/22 90A Horncastle Road Roughton Moor Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX
Planning appeals
S/141/00386/22 62 Horncastle Road
082 Clerk’s correspondence:
Email from LIVES requesting support from Parish Councils. This had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Chair proposed that a donation of £80.00 be considered which was seconded and agreed by all.
Update on the website-Clerk informed the meeting that work had started and she had had a skype call with Pete Langford (Webmaster) on the 22nd January. Councillors were asked to email any ideas/suggestions to the Clerk.
083 To consider the response from Highways regarding the meeting held on Wednesday 23/11/2022 and actions which need to be taken as a result.
The Chair outlined the response from Highways as a result of the meeting on 23rd November. The limiting factor for LCC are budget constraints. The following are actions which are going ahead;
• 30mph roundels will be painted on the roads adjacent to 30mph signs and repeater signs through the village. 30mph speed signs can be provided at a cost of £10.00 per sign. The Council supports the purchase of these signs.
• The verges in the village will be inspected in Spring to assess the impact of flowing water and to resolve where appropriate.
• Roughton is to be included in a County wide assessment on Environmental Weight limits which the Council support and some discussion followed as to whether LCC could monitor HGV traffic through the village to gather data.
• All local HGV Operators are to be contacted by Roughton PC to request that Roughton is not used but if that is not possible, then to observe the speed limits and to drive with care. They are also to be invited to contribute a donation to the cost of traffic management schemes.
• LCC will assess the drainage grips and clearance of gullies to improve the surface water drainage through the village.
• The Council approved the setting up of a Community Speedwatch group for which there are six volunteers. The Chair and Councillor Perie will be meeting with Kirkby on Bain to discuss working co-operatively on this project. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
• The Council agreed to purchase a battery powered speed indicator device, after liaison with LRSP. This will be purchased if, and when, donations are forth coming from local HGV operators.
However, it was noted that LCC had requested the traffic team to assess the extension of the current speed limit but it is expected that this will not meet policy, except for on the Moor Lane entrance to the village.
The suggestion of combining the speed and village signs to replicate the effect of a gateway was not a proposal that the Council supported. The Council consider that whilst the funds are not available at present to purchase Gateways, this will be kept under review for future implementation if possible.
The Council do not agree with LCC raising a proposal for widening of the road in the narrow areas as this would only serve to increase the speed of traffic through the village. The Council did however, wish LCC to resolve any issues such as pot holes.
084 To consider and resolve to set the Precept for 2023-2024
All Councillors had received information prior to the meeting and after a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and agreed by all that the precept be raised by 20% to £3240.
085 To consider and resolve the appointment of an internal auditor for 2022/2023
The Clerk informed the meeting that an internal auditor need to be appointed for this financial year to internally audit the accounts. The Clerk suggested that she contact the auditor from 2021. This was agreed by all.
086 To consider how effective communication is within the parish
The Chair raised this as an issue due to the rural nature of the Parish and the lack of noticeboards in other areas of the Parish. Whilst information can be placed on the Roughton Parish noticeboard this is not seen by all, not everyone accesses the website.
Action: The Clerk will gather data on the Parish from the Electoral Register, place an article in the Wapentake and contact Oakland’s with the website address. Any ideas to be given to the Chair.
087 To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider confidential staffing matters in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 Council went into closed session
088 To consider the NALC salary guidance for Clerks and adopt accordingly
This had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was proposed, seconded and agreed by all that this was adopted. The Clerk’s scale point is 13 which will be reviewed annually.
089 To resolve that payment to the Clerk should be made for the period July 21st, 2022-19th January 2023
Agreed by all. The Chair and Councillor Davis signed the Clerk’s salary check for £592.62 from July 21st 2022 -19th January 2023.
090 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be Thursday 17th March 2023 at 7.30 p.m. Agreed by all Councillors present.
The meeting was closed at 9.15 p.m.