April 2023 Minutes EOM
Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 20th April 2023 at Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.00 pm.
Those present: Councillor Dormer (Chair), Councillor Davis, Councillor Roberts, Councillor Spurrier, Councillor Willey
In Attendance: District Councillor W Gray
Public: 0 members of public.
Public Forum
As there were no members of the public present, the Forum did not take place
103 Comments from the Chair: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting, and advised there was no updates on the health of the Clerk, and that he had been advised that Councillor had been taken into hospital.
104 Apologies: Councillor Perie, Councillor Drew, Councillor Bradwell, Clerk Karen Handley
105 Declarations of Interest: None
106 To consider and resolve appointment of a locum clerk and Responsible Financial Officer during the temporary absence of appointed clerk and RFO: The Chair advised that following the clerk’s absence, he had endeavoured to undertake much of the role himself, but given the current timing where the Council end of year accounts are needed, together with internal and external auditing, as well as the forthcoming election and appointment of Councillors and annual renewal of Council Orders etc, and therefore, considerable adherence to rules and regulations, he had approached LALC for assistance. The Council has been offered a locum clerk as support during the regular clerk’s absence. There is a cost of £20 phr plus mileage, and normal contracted hours are 2 per week. Sick pay will be proportionately payable for several months, but having considered the Council’s financial situation now, and likely requirements over coming months, it was resolved unanimously by the Council to utilise the locum clerk, Andrew Everard, who was strongly endorsed by Councillor Gray. This situation would be kept under review.
107 To consider and resolve whether to agree costs and support the findings of the combined Kirkby on Bain and Roughton Parish Council Community Speedwatch Working Group: The note describing the Working Group’s findings had been emailed to all Councillors prior to the meeting. The Chair confirmed that whilst it had been agreed to share the cost of the Speedwatch, they had decided sharing operators would be too complicated, and that as Kirkby on Bain were proposing to purchase 2 Solar powered reactive signs, they suggested donating the battery powered one to Roughton. Roughton have provided them with a template for letters to HGV Haulage companies. Councillor Davis confirmed the findings suggesting that the proposal for share of Speedwatch costs was on a one third Roughton, two third Kirkby basis. Councillor Roberts queried why we were no longer proposing a full residents meeting to discuss traffic management activities, and Councillor Dormer advised that as the number of activities will be lower than originally proposed, and from recent experience it was unlikely that any more residents would be interested than already attend Parish Council Meetings. There followed a discussion on whether Roughton residents should be prior advised of the setting up of the Community Speedwatch monitoring, but it was decided that as signage for all traffic was mandatory in the village at any time that the team were operating, this should be adequate and no different for residents. It was resolved to accept the findings and join with Kirkby on Bain Parish Council, incurring the costs as appropriate which oare more than covered by the Pedersons Traffic Management Donation. It was also resolved that if the required training required a physical presence, that Roughton Village Hall should be offered at the Parishes expense, and that Thimbleby Parish Council could combine for that also if they so wished, as they too are trying to organise training. Councillor Davis agreed to liaise with Kirkby and make the necessary arrangements.
The Meeting closed at 7.15pm