September 2023 DRAFT Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 21st September 2023 at Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm.
Present: Councillors K. Dormer (Chair), T. Davis, D. Perie, L. Roberts, R. Willey, J. Drew, L. Spurrier.
Not present: None
In Attendance: A. Everard (Acting Clerk)
Public: District Councillor W.Gray and one member of the public
034 Public Forum: A resident brought to the attention of the parish council potential development behind Bainland holiday park in Roughton Moor Woods with a potential 9-acre development plot and there may be issues with access and public rights of way near Juniper Court. Social media posts already highlighting it to the local residents. The Chair thanked the resident for highlighting this issue and said that as a statutory consultee ELDC would bring this to the council’s attention if an application was submitted.
035 Chair’s Welcome and Remarks: The Chair welcomed all present. The Chair reported that he had been in touch with the Clerk who was hopeful of a good recovery.
036 Apologies: None
037 Declarations of Interest: None
038 To approve the notes of the meetings held on 10th August 2023 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to be adopted as the minutes of the council. They were duly signed and dated by the Chair.
039 County Councillor Report: Cllr Bradwell was unable to attend the meeting but had confirmed that she would pick up any issues parish council raised with her.
District Councillor Report: Cllr Gray advised the parish council that ELDC had many grants available details of which can be found on the website at to help individuals and communities to support rural activities, community buildings, support low-income households and cost of living issues including Energy Bus and Warm Spaces. There were a number of community events and fairs being supported across the district details of which were in the News section of the ELDC website and posted on social media. Lincolnshire Community Foundation is helping with grant applications and distribution.
The Chair thanked Councillor Gray for his presence and contribution.
040 Finances:
a) Bank balances and bank statement signed: The current account balance was £2672.88 with £2515.23 in deposit account.
b) Payments: £150.30 LALC. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the payment listed.
c) Bank signatories: Cllr D.Petrie awaiting addition to the signatories.
041 Planning matters:
Applications considered
Planning application |
Decision of Council |
S/086/01308/23 LAND WEST OF, BRACKENBURY CLOSE, HORNCASTLE - Planning Permission - Erection of 16no. houses with garages and construction of internal access roads
No further comment. ELDC decision awaited. |
Previously considered (updates only): S/141/00835/23 120 HORNCASTLE ROAD, ROUGHTON MOOR, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6UX - Planning Permission - Erection of 4 no. dwellings.
No further comment. ELDC decision awaited. |
042 Highway Issues
a) Community Speedwatch: Sessions have begun in Roughton at authorised location. Arrangements with Kirkby on Bain to be arranged imminently once they were set up after training. Warning signs in place in the village. Councillors felt they needed another pole and it was proposed, seconded RESOLVED to spend another £300 on a pole. Acting Clerk to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to arrange. A letter was to be sent to Pedersen regarding their donation once it was spent to show parish council’s gratitude.
It had been flagged up to LCC Highways that the parish council would like the 30MPH zone extended beyond the bends into Roughton.
b) Update from Highways and Thornton residents
Flooding outside Ox Lane being resolved. No further mitigations were likely due to the speed, number of dwellings and the Police only record RTA’s where injuries occur. One fatality had occurred. Councillors asked if Community Speed Watch could be extended to Thornton. This would be investigated if a speed limit was in place.
043 Mill Close grass-cutting: Enquiries had been made to establish if the LCC Parish Agreement would apply – which it did and potential revenue would amount to less than £50. Cost of cuts would depend on the number of cuts undertaken but would be in region of £200 - £350 a year and more if other maintenance required. Councillors did not want to set a precedent to start cutting the grass around Roughton Parish and add this cost to the precept. Proposed, seconded RESOLVED not to take on the responsibility to cut and maintain the grassed area at Mill Close, Roughton Moor. Resident who had requested this to be notified.
044 Correspondence: None other than what was considered during other items on the agenda.
045 Date of next meeting: 16th November 2023 7.30pm. Future meetings were resolved at the previous meetings to be on 18th January, 21st March and 16th May.
Matters raised for future meetings included telephone box (missing door) on Sandy Lane, providing support for those elderly and vulnerable in the parish, newsletters and information potentially in Wappentake, Horncastle Matters, parish council website and this parish council wanted to offer Haltham Parish Meeting a group arrangement.
Meeting was closed at 20.55.