March 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 16th March 2023 at Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm.
Those present: Councillor Dormer (Chair), Councillor Drew, Councillor Perie, Councillor Roberts, Councillor Spurrier, Councillor Willey
In Attendance: Karen Handley (Clerk), County Councillor P Bradwell, District Councillor W Gray
Public: 5 members of public.
Public Forum
Residents from Thornton attended and raised their concerns about the number of accidents in recent years on the section of the B1191 which goes past Thornton, and called for a reduction in the speed limit to 30mph, or additional ways to reduce the speed of traffic. They highlighted the hazards, and presented a petition. The Chair confirmed that the Council understood the points made and would take up the issue with Highways. Councillor Bradwell also confirmed that she would look into the issues mentioned and would discuss with the police.
091 Comments from the Chair: The Chair had no comments apart from to welcome all to the meeting.
092 Apologies: Councillor Davis
093 Declarations of Interest: None
094 To approve the notes of the meeting held on 19th January 2023 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to be correct by Councillors in attendance. They were duly signed and dated by the Chair.
095 County Councillor Report: Councillor Bradwell announced that she understood that the section of the road between Roughton and Kirkby on Bain that had not been improved when the first section had been, has now been listed to be undertaken during 2023.
District Councillor Report: District Councillor Gray had emailed a report which the clerk had circulated to all Councillors. He clarified that ID would be needed to vote but this would be publicised.
096 Finances:
• Bank balance and signing of statement: The current account balance was £3,549.85. No bank statement was available for signature as the Clerk had not received one from Santander.
• Payments to be approved: The Council approved payment of the clerk’s salary and expenses for the period 19th January – 16th March, 2023, £225.52, cheque no. 700303.
• The Clerk confirmed that there was still no response from Santander in respect of signature changes, but that cheques were being honoured.
097 Planning matters:
Applications received since 19th January 2023 - None
Applications approved:
• S/141/01206/22 Land to rear of 74 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX
• S/141/01907/22 116C Horncastle Road Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa 1no. exisitng dwelling to be demolished
• S/141/02432/22 Approval of reserved matters Tree View, 61 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX
• S/141/02458 Approval of Section 73 104 Horncastle Road Roughton Moor,Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX
• S/141/02378/22 108 Horcanstle Road Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX
098 To consider and Resolve further Traffic Management Issues at Roughton
• Community Speed Watch Group – The Chair confirmed that Councillor Perie and he had attended Kirkby on Bain’s recent Parish Council Meeting to examine whether there was interest from them in joining forces with Roughton to operate a Community Speed Watch, and pooling resources. They have embraced the idea and it was agreed to form a combined Working Group of 2 or 3 Councillors from each Parish, to explore how this might work and to recommend to Council the way forward. The Chair proposed that it made sense that our representatives should be Councillors who had previously expressed an interest, and that both Councillor Perie and Councillor Davis had indicated that they would be happy to take this on. This was unanimously approved by the Council, and no other Councillors expressed a desire to join. The Group will be organised by Councillor Russell from Kirkby on Bain.
• The Chair confirmed that he had written to local HGV Operators, requesting that all HGVs should avoid travelling through Roughton wherever possible, but to do so with care and observing speed limits where this is not possible. Letters had been sent to Pederson Contracting Services, Fed Ex & TNT, Breedon Cement, Industrial Aggregates and Polypipe. Responses had been received from Fed Ex and TNT, and also from Pedersons, confirming that they had briefed their drivers accordingly, and would endeavour to comply if at all possible. In addition, Pederson Contracting Services also donated £500 to aid traffic Management by Roughton Parish Council, and this was welcomed by all Councillors who expressed their gratitude to Pederson Contracting Services for their generosity.
• The Chair confirmed that following the Highways visit, 30mph signage was now painted on the road through Roughton in 4 places, and there was an additional 30mph sign opposite the Village Hall. The 8 passive signs were due to be received shortly, and the drains and verges were due to be attended to in the spring. Our desire to extend the 30mph at north and south ends of the village had been emphasised once more to Highways, but this has to go to Committee who currently have a substantial backlog. The Chair mentioned that Kirkby on Bain Parish had expressed dissatisfaction with their battery powered Radar Sign, and were considering purchasing two Solar powered signs. In the light of this it was felt sensible to delay our decision on which to use, and of course we have budgetary issues restricting this in any case.
099 To consider and resolve the date and format of the Annual Parish Meeting
Council discussed the possible formats of this meeting, and in the light of the fact that in previous years it had been combined with the Annual and Monthly Parish Council Meeting, with a low profile, and no resident attendances of note, it was unanimously agreed to hold it as a stand alone meeting in the Village Hall on the 20th April 2023 at 7.30pm, and to have a guest speaker and refreshments. The Clerk would liaise with the Chair to organise. Councillors were informed that whilst they are welcome to attend, there is not an obligation on them to do so.
100 Other Business
Councillor Drew raised a concern that the BT Phone Box on the Horncastle Road , opposite Sandy Lane, was in a very bad state of repair and cleanliness. The Clerk agreed to review this and raise it with BT as necessary. Councillor Drew also raised that the Roughton Phone Box could do with some maintenance and could the council look at turning into a Book Club similar to Kirkby on Bains, Councillor Drew was going to get a quote.
101 To complete any necessary paperwork for the elections on May4th
The Clerk provided the necessary paperwork for all Councillors to complete, together with guidance on doing so. In addition, she confirmed that she had an appointment with ELDC to submit the completed forms on Wednesday 22nd March 2023.
102 Date and Time of the Annual Parish Council Meeting and the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
These two meetings will be held on Thursday 25th May 2023, with the Annual General Meeting starting at 7.30pm, to be immediately followed by the Ordinary Meeting. Agreed by all Councillors present.
The meeting closed at 9.35pm