January 2023 Agenda
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Roughton Parish Council, which will be held on Thursday 19th January commencing at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall on Main Street, Roughton. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
There will be a 15 minute public forum between 7.30 and 7.45 pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is also requested during this period.
Signature K Handley
Clerk to the Council
Date 11/01/2023
1. Chairman’s remarks
2. Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
4. Notes of the last meeting held on 17th November 2022 to be approved as minutes.
5. To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Council and East Lindsey District Council
6. Financial matters:
a. Financial report
7. Planning Matters:
Applications received:
S/141/01206/22 Land to rear of 74 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor LN10 6UX
S/141/02378/22 108 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor LN10 6UX
S/141/02458/22 Section 73 Campsite rear of 104, Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor LN10 6UX
Applications approved:
S/141/02060/22 90A Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor LN10 6UX
8. Clerk’s correspondence: Email from LIVES requesting financial support from Parish Councils
Response from Pete Langford regarding the Parish Council website
9. To consider the response from Highways regarding the meeting held on Wednesday 23rd November 2022 and actions which need to be taken as a result.
10. To consider and resolve to set the Precept for 2023-2024.
11. To consider and resolve the appointment of an internal auditor for 2022/2023.
12. To consider how effective communication is within the parish.
13. To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider confidential staffing matters in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.
Should this be the resolution passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage
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14. To consider the NALC salary guidance for Clerks and adopt accordingly
15. To resolve that payment to the Clerk should be made from July 21st 2022-19th January 2023
16. To set the date and time of the next meeting