January 2025 Minutes

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 16th January 2025 at Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Present: Councillors K. Dormer (Chair), L Roberts, T Davies and D Perie
In Attendance: K. Handley (Clerk), LCC Cllr P Bradwell
Public: One member of the public present who raised issues with the state of footpaths alongside Roughton Main Road either side of the junction with Moor Lane. A query was also raised as to  whether the Council were familiar with the concept of Quiet Lanes and whether this could be applied to Moor Lane. This is to be followed up with LCC Highways.
060:    Chairman’s remarks: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. 
061:     Apologies: Councillor R Willey and District Councillor Gray had sent their apologies. It was resolved to accept the reasons given for absence.
    Cllr L Spurrier was absent.
062:    Declarations of Interest None
063:     To approve the notes of the meeting held on 21st November 2024 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to be adopted as the minutes of the council. These were duly signed and dated by the Chair.
064:     County Councillor Report: Cllr Bradwell reported that she has asked Highways to conduct an Archer Survey in Thornton to ascertain whether there is a speeding issue due to the number of accidents which have been reported.  In respect of HGV signage in Roughton, there has been no real progress on this issue. The Council are pressing for HGV’s to be prohibited except for access as there appears to have been an increase in the number of HGV’s coming through Roughton. Cllr Bradwell will provide an update to the Council in March. Hopefully a meeting can be arranged with a Highways officer to discuss this matter before then.
District Councillor Report: Cllr Gray had circulated his report prior to the meeting which had been received by all Councillors.  This information is available on the Parish Council website https://roughton.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk.
065:    Finances:
a)    Bank balances and bank statement signed. The current account balance as of 10/01/2025 is £2,341.20 and this compares with £2,111.67 in January 2024. The deposit account balance as of 10/01/2025 is £2,550.03. The Chair duly signed the bank statements. 
b)    Retrospective and future payments to be approved.
Cheque no.
Voucher no.
Clerk’s salary
Village Newsletter
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to approve the payments.
c)    To set the Precept for 2025-2026
The Chair alluded to the information already circulated to Councillors by the Clerk. After discussion, it was proposed that the Precept should be raised by 2% which would increase the precept from £3600 to £3672. This was seconded and unanimously agreed to set the precept at £3672 for the next financial year. 
d)    To set up new signatories for banking
The Clerk explained that it would be prudent to have another Councillor as a signatory. Councillor Perie agreed to be a signatory. The Clerk will liaise with Councillor Perie to complete the necessary paperwork.
066: Planning matters
Planning applications received;
S/141/01857/24 Change of use Agricultural Land to Dog Walking Field with associated works Land North, Horncastle Rd, Roughton Moor
No objections
067: To consider the effectiveness of the newsletter in terms of content and any delivery issues encountered.
The Chairman thanked all involved in distributing and special thanks to Councillor Roberts for collating and organising printing. It was noted that thicker paper was needed for the next newsletter; no comments or issues raised as a result of the newsletter as yet. However, it was agreed to continue with the newsletter.
068: To consider response from Highway issues
Increase in the volume of lorries using 50 Acre Road to Horncastle-this item was deferred to the March meeting due to the absence of Cllr Spurrier.
HGV signage-Cllr Bradwell had already addressed this issue.
069: To note LCC’s budget proposals for 2025-2026 
The Clerk had circulated proposals for Councillors to consider prior to the meeting. 
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to vote for Option A which proposed a 2.99% increase in council tax plus £9.7 million use of reserves. The Clerk will complete the survey with this information.
070: To discuss lack of clearance of felled trees on the Spa Trail and action to be considered by the Council
Cllr Bradwell will follow this matter up.
071: To note correspondence received by the Clerk 
ELDC Media Releases, Town and Parish News, LALC Training Bulletin
Noted by Councillors. 
072: To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 20th March  2025 at 7.30 p.m.
This was confirmed by all Councillors.
Meeting closed at 20.31 p.m.