May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Roughton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 16th May 2024 at Roughton Village Hall commencing a 7.35p.m.

Present: Councillors K. Dormer (Chair), T. Davis (Vice Chair), J Drew, D Perie

In Attendance: K. Handley (Clerk), ELDC Cllr Gray (8.24p.m.) 

Public: Three members of the public present.

001:   Election of Chair of the Parish Council and signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office: The Clerk asked for nominations for Chairman and Karl Dormer was proposed and seconded for the office. He duly accepted the post for this year and duly signed the necessary paperwork.

002:   Election of Vice Chair of the Parish Council: The Chair asked for nominations and Terry Davis was proposed and seconded. He accepted the office and duly signed the necessary paperwork.

003:   Chairman’s remarks: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.

004:    Apologies: Cllr Spurrier, Cllr Willey, Cllr Roberts. It was resolved to approve the reasons given for absence. County Cllr Bradwell also gave her apologies.

005:   Declarations of Interest None

006:    To approve the notes of the meeting held on 21st March 2024 as minutes:

These were proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to be adopted as the minutes of the council. These were duly signed and dated by the Chair.

007:    County Councillor Report: None due to apologies given by County Councillor Bradwell

District Councillor Report: Cllr Gray had circulated his report prior to the meeting which had been received by all Councillors. The key points were; NHS diagnostic centre being built in Skegness due to open in 2025, Dementia action week, local market dates, teenage market, Lincs digital awareness week, new grant funding available up to £25,000, Lincolnshire Wolds Outdoor festival until 27th May and energy advice from ERIC.  This information is available on the Parish Council website

008:    Finances:

a)   Bank balances and bank statement signed. The current account balance as of 13/05/2024 £5,671.01 with £2,532.25 in deposit account.


Cheque no.

Voucher no.






Village Newsletter Cllr Roberts








Viking Stationery




Zurich Municipal




Clerk’s Salary (net)




HMRC (tax)




b)   Future and retrospective payments to be approved:

c)   To approve the asset register: Asset register was approved with clerk to add speed device, speed guns and high visibility jackets for the use of the Community Speed watch team. 

d)   Internal auditor had approved the Annual Audit and signed the relevant paperwork.

e)   The Annual Governance statement 203-2024 was read by the Clerk to the Council and signed by the Chair and Clerk.

f)   The Accounting Statement had been circulated before the meeting and was duly signed by the Chair.

g)   The Clerk had shared the Certificate of Exemption for 2023-2024 and this was then signed by the Chair.

h)   The Clerk informed the Council of the dates for the exercise of public rights which will be Monday 3rd June to Friday 12th July.

009:   It was agreed by all Councillors that Standing Orders, Financial Policy, Code of Conduct and the Complaints procedure policies had been recently reviewed and would be reviewed at the next Annual Parish Council meeting in May 2025.

010:   Planning matters:

Planning application

Decision of Council

S/141/00354/24 Avison Sprayers Ltd, Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6YQ Erection of 2no buildings comprising 4no. Industrial Units

No objections-comments sent to ELDC

S/141/00459/24 82 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX Alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and erection of a porch

No objections-comments sent to ELDC

S/141/00493/24 110 Horncastle Road Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa LN10 6UX Heatherlea Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional accommodation and erection of a detached garage.

No objections

S/086/0071/24 Section 73 application to vary conditions no. 2 (approved drawings), no. 4 (landscaping) and no. 5 (materials) previously imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/086/01308/23 for the erection of 16no. houses with garages and construction of internal access roads.

Land west of Brackenbury Close, Horncastle


Full Planning Permission 

S/141/01262/22 Bainland Park Horncastle Road Erection of an outdoor play area with play equipment

S/141/00459/24 82 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UX Alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and erection of a porch

011: LCC grass cutting quote-this item had been considered in September but no costings had been sent to the Parish Council. These had now been received and as such, this issue was discussed again. The decision in September was that it would not be cost effective. This was supported by the quote sent to the Council by LCC and it was resolved unanimously not to proceed with taking on the grass cutting contract.

012: Purchase of new Defibrillator pads-Cllr Davis outlined the need to purchase new pads for the Defibrillator as they needed to be renewed. It was unanimously resolved to purchase these. The Clerk asked that the invoice be sent to Roughton Parish Council.

013: Traffic management issues;

•   Community Speed Watch-the pole had been fitted and the radar sign working effectively. There had been a noticeable slowing of traffic and the speed watch would continue for as long as needed.
•   Other traffic issues-Cllr Perie shared photographs of HGV’s near to her property. The Chair asked that they could be sent to him. Cllr Bradwell had contacted the Chair and advised that she has pursued signage for the northern end of village to say that it was unsuitable for HGV traffic. The Chair has responded thanking her but also enquiring as to whether the southern end of Kirkby-on-Bain would also have a similar sign. He has also asked whether there will be a sign on Rimes Lane as some of the traffic is using it as a short cut. The signage would be advisory but the Council would be able to use this to contact the Haulage companies if their HGV’s are using it as a short cut.
•   Grass verges- still waiting to have the verges repaired by LCC

The meeting was closed at 8.24 pm for the Public Forum to take place after the arrival of the ELDC representative Cllr William Gray.

•   Concern expressed over the condition of the footpaths between 38-42 Horncastle Road. Also, overgrown hedges between these two addresses. The Chair will investigate.
•   Concern expressed over the poor condition of the bus shelter and whether it was in use. The Chairman will enquire as to whether the bus stop is used and also inspect the condition of the bus stop.
•   Lorry Park Mill Close-concern over the dust and dirt affecting the highway and the response received from Highways which stated that the parishioner must contact the Haulage firms. Cllr William Gray to liaise with the parishioner.

Meeting re-opened at 8.30 p.m.

014: Use emails Clerk had circulated information regarding costing. Three companies had given quotes. It was resolved to approach Cloud Next to provide the .gov emails. The Clerk will action this and report back at the next meeting.

015: The dates for the Parish Council meetings for the remainder of the civic year

The dates already agreed are Thursday July 18th 2024 Thursday 19th September 2024 and Thursday 21st November 2024. It was agreed that the dates for the remainder of the civic year were Thursday 16th January 2025 and Thursday 20th March 2025.

Meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.