November 2024 Minutes
Roughton Parish Council
Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 21st November 2024 at Roughton Village Hall commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Present: Councillors K. Dormer (Chair), L Roberts, L Spurrier, R Willey, T Davies and D Perie
In Attendance: K. Handley (Clerk), LCC Cllr P Bradwell and ELDC Cllr W Gray (7.50 p.m.)
Public: One member of the public who had no issues to raise
046: Chairman’s remarks: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. He informed the meeting that he had attended the funeral of Councillor Jeff Drew who sadly passed away in October. A condolence card had been sent by the Clerk on behalf of the Council.
047: Apologies: None
048: Declarations of Interest None
049: To approve the notes of the meeting held on 19th September 2024 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to be adopted as the minutes of the council. These were duly signed and dated by the Chair.
050: County Councillor Report: Cllr Bradwell explained that the HGV signs were not enforceable by law. This was at the request of the Planning Department. Concern was expressed by the Chair over the number and positioning of the HGV signs. Cllr Bradwell stated that she will action more signage at the locations requested by the Council. The Chair did explain that he had raised this with the Highway Officer.
District Councillor Report: Cllr Gray had circulated his report prior to the meeting which had been received by all Councillors. This information is available on the Parish Council website
051: Finances:
a) Bank balances and bank statement signed. The current account balance as of 15/11/2024 is £3,364.80 and this compares with £2,522.58 in November 2023. The deposit account balance as of 15/11/2024 is £2,545.59. The Chair duly signed the bank statements.
b) Retrospective and future payments to be approved.
Organisation |
Cheque no. |
Voucher no. |
Amount |
Clerk’s salary |
700335 |
017 |
178.92 |
Roughton Village Hall |
700336 |
018 |
100.00 |
Dell Technologies (purchase of lap top) |
700337 |
019 |
700.08 |
700338 |
020 |
44.80 |
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to approve the payments.
c) To consider the first draft of the budget for 2025-2026
Councillors had received the first draft of the budget and after some discussion it was agreed to allocate £500 to future traffic management issues. The Precept needs to be set at the meeting in January and a decision will be made then as to whether the Precept needs to be increased.
052: Planning matters
Planning applications received;
S/141/01362/24 82 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UX Erection of 1no dwelling with a detached garage and construction of a new access |
No objections |
Full Planning Permission
Noted by the Council
Full planning
S/141/02133/23 Land North and West of Martin Bridge Horncastle Road, Martin. Construction of a vehicular access, hardstanding and service road to be used as an alternative access to service the crematorium and approved under application number S/141/00331/20
S/141/01362/24 82 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UX Erection of 1no. dwelling with a detached garage and construction of a new access.
Outline Planning
S/141/01151/24 118 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UX
Outline erection of 1no. dwelling.
053: To receive an update from the CSW group
Councillor Davies reported that the group had been out between 8.15 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. No issues whilst group are visible. No adverse comments from motorists whilst the speed checks were being completed.
054: To consider response from Highways regarding HGV signage
This issue was raised with Cllr Bradwell in 050 of the minutes.
055: To discuss articles for inclusion in the next Parish newsletter and agree a publication date
The Chair had requested articles for this meeting which had been provided by the Councillors. Councillor Roberts had already placed these in a draft newsletter which was circulated and all agreed to go ahead with this format. The Clerk needed to provide meeting dates to be placed in the newsletter to Councillor Roberts. The Chair asked for volunteers to distribute in late December/early January 2025. Councillor Roberts, Davies, Perie, Willey and the Clerk volunteered to help distribute with the Chair.
056: To consider survey from ELDC Scrutiny Panel and agree action
Council agreed to complete this as individual Councillors.
057: To note the invitation to the Community Summit from Victoria Atkins 6th December 2024
This information had been circulated to all Councillors and had been noted. The Clerk asked for anyone interested in attending to contact by 22nd November.
058: To note invitation to the Parish Engagement session 16th January 2025
This had been circulated to all Councillors. The Chair volunteered to attend if it did not conflict with the Parish Council meeting.
059: To note correspondence received by the Clerk ELDC Media Releases, Town and Parish News, LALC Training Bulletin, PCC’s Crime and Policing Survey, HEART Pop up information Clinic
Noted by Councillors. Chair asked that all Councillors ensure they read the information circulated.
060: To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 16th January 2025 at 7.30 p.m.
This was confirmed by all Councillors.
Meeting closed at 20.46 p.m.