September 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 12th September 2019 At Roughton Village Hall starting at 7.30 pm.
Those present: Councillor Mrs Lynaugh (Vice-Chair), Councillors Dormer, Drew, Lupton, Poucher, Councillor Mrs Simpson and the clerk Mrs S Helliwell.
In Attendance: None present.
Public: None present.
045 Vice-Chair’s Remarks: The Vice-Chair thanked everyone for attending and giving their time.
046 Election of Chair: The clerk informed the meeting that she had sought advice from the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils regarding the position of Chair of the Parish Council. She advised that the Council was not constitute without a Chair and that having different Councillors chairing meetings was not best practice. After very lengthy discussion Councillor Poucher said he would become Chair on a temporary basis and Councillor Mrs Lynaugh would remain Vice-Chair. Councillor Mrs Simpson said it would be something she would consider in the future but would like more time to ‘learn the ropes’ before she put herself forward. All Councillors thanked Councillor Poucher for taking on the role.
047 Apologies: District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray due to a prior engagement. Councillors resolved unanimously to accept these apologies.
048 Declarations of Interest: None.
049 To approve the notes of the meeting held on 16th May 2019 and 4th July 2019 as minutes: All notes were proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to be correct and were signed as necessary by the Chair.
050 District Councillor Report: Not in attendance.
051 County Councillor Report: Not in attendance.
052 Clerks Report:
a. The clerk said that PCSO Wass had offered his apologies but thankfully there was nothing to report to the Council by the local police.
053 Broadband Update: Councillor Lupton said there had been work undertaken in the village and cables had been laid. Broadband speed had not altered at present but the clerk is to contact Stephen Brookes at Onlincolnshire prior to the next meeting for an update on the Parish before any decision about ‘Gigabit’ is made. All Councillors were in agreement.
054 Defibrillator Responsibilities: Councillor Mrs Simpson who is on the Parish Hall Committee brought this matter to the Council. She said that point of contact for the defibrillator had been the Parish Hall Warden but he has moved from the area. She said that pads in the defibrillator need changing in October along with the battery at a cost of around £50. She said if the defibrillator is used on a patient the unit needs checking and pads etc possibly replacing and it needs someone close who can do this so that the unit isn’t out of action any longer than necessary. After discussion all Councillors agreed that Councillor Lupton would be the point of contact for LIVES as he lives closest to the Unit and that the Parish Council would pay costs for any items that need replacing whether this is through use or by routine maintenance.
055 Planning:
a. Applications: S/141/01008/19, Land off Moor Lane, Roughton, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire – No objections.
b. Permissions Granted: S/141/01008/19, Land off Moor Lane, Roughton, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire – Full planning permission.
056 Training Available: The Clerk informed all of the training currently available, Councillor Simpson requested more details from the clerk who will forward details.
057 Finances:
a. Bank Balances, bank reconciliations and signing of statements. The clerk confirmed current account balance of £5018.45 and deposit account balance of £15.04, a total of £5033.49 which included three unpresented cheques due to two signatures being required. Bank statements and bank reconciliations were checked by all and signed by the Chair as required.
b. Payments Required. The clerk stated that she had received an invoice from ELDC for £48.50 for an uncontested election on 2nd May 2019. Agreed by all. Cheque no. 700261. All other cheques that required signatures were signed as required also.
c. Signatories on the Parish Council bank accounts: The clerk informed that there were four signatories on the accounts one of them being Councillor Smith who had passed away recently. She asked if anyone was able to replace him as a signatory on the accounts and suggested Councillor Mrs Simpson. This was agreed by all and the clerk gave her the necessary paperwork for completion as required and will approach the bank with the change of details.
d. External Audit Update. The clerk informed the meeting that she had sent the exemption certificate to the external auditor as required and was waiting to hear back from them about the closure of the external audit.
058 Date of Next Meeting and Items for Agenda: The date of the next Roughton Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Thursday 14th November 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Agreed by all.
Agenda Items: Broadband, Dog bins, Councillor Vacancy plus any item forwarded to the clerk prior to the agenda being published.
059 Clerks Salary and Expenses: The Council agreed to pay the clerks salary and expenses for the period 4th July 19 – 12th Sept 19, £228.10, Cheque No. 700260.
Meeting Closed at 8.27 pm