July 2019 Minutes


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 4th July 2019 At Roughton Village Hall starting at 7.30 pm.

Those present:  Councillor Mrs Lynaugh (Vice-Chair), Councillors Dormer, Drew, Councillor Mrs Simpson and the clerk Mrs S Helliwell. 

In Attendance:  PCSO Wass.

Public:  None present.

032      Vice-Chair’s Remarks:  The Vice-Chair thanked everyone for attending.  As everyone was aware of the death of Councillor Smith who had been Chair of Roughton Parish Council for many years, the Vice-Chair asked all present to respect a moment’s silence in memory of Councillor Smith.  She had spoken to Mrs Smith about his funeral arrangements and it was requested that by her to accept donations if people wished rather than flowers and for these to be split between Horncastle LIVES and the Stroke Association.  It was decided by all that everyone would hand their donation to the Clerk so that she could give the group donation at the funeral which is being held in Roughton village church at 11.30am on Thursday 18th July 2019.  After discussion it was decided to defer the decision for election of Chair to the next meeting as the Councillors that were present were not wanting to put their names forward for the position.

                   033      Apologies:   Councillor Lupton, Poucher and District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray due to a prior engagement.  Councillors resolved unanimously to accept these apologies.

      034      Declarations of Interest:  None.

      035      To approve the notes of the meeting held on 16th May 2019 as minutes: 

            As the Vice-Chair was not at the last meeting and only one Councillor who was there was in attendance these were not proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to be correct and will approved and signed at the next meeting.

            PCSO Wass addressed the meeting and said there was not a lot to report which was obviously a good thing really.  He said there had been regular after dark patrols which had helped curb the theft of power cables.  He said to keep watching out for each other and to keep sheds and outbuildings locked at this time of year.  He left some neighbourhood watch stickers and signs with the clerk.

7.45pm PCSO Wass left the meeting.

     036      District Councillor Report:  Not in attendance.

     037      County Councillor Report:  Not in attendance.

     038      Clerks Report:

a.   The clerk had received notification of a temporary road closure from LCC Highways on Main Road, Roughton between 05.08.19 and 09.08.19 for essential maintenance.

039      Broadband Update:  Councillor Dormer addressed the meeting and said he had attended a ‘Gigabit’ meeting on 13th June 2019 which was held by Stephen Brookes, from Onlincolnshire.  He gave details to the meeting about the scheme and notes he made will be forwarded by the clerk to all.  It was decided to discuss this issue further when all Councillors are in attendance.

040      Planning:                                                                                                                         

            a.   Applications:  Nil.

            b.   Permissions Granted:  S/086/00133/19, Land West of Brackenbury Close, Horncastle, LN9 5DA – Full planning permission.

041      Training Available:  The Clerk informed all of the training currently available, Councillor        Simpson requested more details from the clerk.

042      Finances: 

            a.   Bank Balances and signing of statements.  The clerk confirmed current account balance of £4933.45 and deposit account balance of £15.02, a total of £4948.47.  Bank statements were checked by all and signed by the Vice-Chair as required. 

            b.   Payments Required.  The clerk stated the treasurer from Roughton village hall committee had contacted her about their bank being ‘fussy’ about things and that the cheque (700252) for the village hall rent had been rejected due to it saying village hall rather than parish hall.  As there was only one bank signatory at the meeting and two are required a new cheque (700257) made out by the clerk would have to be signed at the next meeting.  Agreed by all present.  

            c.   Internal Audit Update.  The clerk advised that this had been carried out by the same internal auditor as last year and no issue had been raised.  It was agreed by all present to pay her the same amount as last year for doing this - £45, cheque no. 700258, again to be signed at the next meeting.  

            d.   External Audit Update.  The clerk informed the meeting that external audit paperwork had been submitted as required.  She had received an email from the external auditor saying that Roughton Parish Council did meet the criteria to be able to claim exemption from having a review performed and as a review had a fee of £200 she thought it was a good idea to make the claim.  All Councillors agreed with this and an exemption certificate was completed and signed and required and will be sent back to the external auditor by the clerk.

043      Date of Next Meeting and Items for Agenda:  The date of the next Roughton Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Thursday *5th September 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.  Agreed by all.

            Agenda Items:  Election of Chair, defibrillator responsibilities and any item forwarded to the clerk prior to the agenda being published.

044      Clerks Salary and Expenses:  The Council agreed to pay the clerks salary and expenses for the period 16th May 19 – 4th July 19, £167.13, Cheque No. 700259 which will be signed at the next meeting.

*Please note after receiving a call from the Village Hall Bookings co-ordinator, the next Roughton Parish Council meeting will now be held on Thursday 12th September 2019 at 7.30pm due to the village hall being double booked on the 5th September 2019.

Meeting Closed at 8.17 pm