January 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 3rd January 2019 At Roughton Village Hall starting at 7.30 pm.
Those present: Councillor Smith (Chair), Councillors Dormer, Drew, Lupton and the clerk Mrs S Helliwell.
In Attendance: District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray.
Public: No public were present.
075 Chair’s Remarks: The Chair thanked everyone for attending and wished everyone a very Happy New Year.
076 Apologies: Councillor Poucher – Prior engagement, Councillor Lynaugh – Bereavement. PCSO Wass. All Councillors agreed unanimously to accept these apologies.
077 Declarations of Interest: None declared.
078 To approve the notes of the meetings held on 8th November 2018 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to be correct. They were signed by the Chair.
079 County Councillor Report: Not in attendance.
080 District Councillor Report: The District Councillor confirmed that East Lindsey District Council had a new Chief Executive, Mr Rob Barlow. He said he is a chartered accountant who already worked for ELDC and knows the area very well. He said Horncastle Xmas Market was an excellent success with free car parking throughout the town and nearly 6,000 people attending. He said stalls had sold out of stock and all the cashpoints in town had been emptied so it was a great sign that money had been spent. He said a lot of hard work had been put in to make the event the success it was.
081 Clerks Report:
a. The clerk asked if the parish council would still like a bag of salt in case of any winter weather and if so where should it be delivered. It was agreed by all that it be delivered to Park Farm and the Chair would distribute as required. The clerk would contact the County Councillor with the information.
b. The clerk informed the parish council that she had been approached by Citizen’s Advice Bureau regarding a possible donation. All Councillors agreed they provided a valuable service for the public and agreed unanimously to make a donation of £30. Cheque number 700250.
082 Parish Councillor Vacancy: The clerk confirmed that there was still a vacancy for a parish councillor.
083 Blue Bottle Flies in the Parish: The clerk read out a long email from Mr David Dodds, Environmental Health at ELDC with an update on blue bottles in the area. After extensive investigation he was satisfied that the issue was not directly related to the operation at the maggot farm. Councillors thought the report was very thorough and asked the clerk to forward the email to the resident who had attended the parish council meeting in July 2018 complaining about smells and more recently blue bottles.
084 Broadband Update: The clerk confirmed she had contacted onlincolnshire for an update and read out the email she had received which said the upgrade is delayed and hope to complete within the next month.
085 Planning:
a. Applications: S/141/02203/18 58 Horncastle Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UZ – Supported.
b. Permissions Granted: S/141/02203/18 58 Horncastle Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UZ – Full Planning Permission. S/141/01595/18 Land to the rear of 104 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, LN10 6UX – Full Planning Permission. S/141/01817/18 108 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UX
086 Training Available: The Clerk informed all of the training currently available.
087 Finances:
a. Bank Balances and signing of statements. The clerk confirmed current account balance of £3678.86 and deposit account balance of £14.96, a total of £3693.82. Bank statements were checked by all and signed by the Chair as required.
b. Final Precept decision and completion of paperwork. It was agreed by all that the precept amount be the same as last year at £2700. Paperwork was completed by the clerk as required.
088 Date of Next Meeting and Items for Agenda: The date of the next Roughton Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Thursday 14th March 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Agreed by all.
Agenda Items: Any item forwarded to the clerk prior to the agenda being published.
089 Clerks Salary and Expenses: The Council agreed to pay the clerks salary and expenses for the period 8th Nov 18 – 3rd Jan 19, £193.06, Cheque No. 700248.
The clerk was asked to contact Highways about school buses being parked in the layby at Dalderby for the length of the school day making it difficult for lorries wanting to park there.
Meeting Closed at 8.10 pm