March 2022 Agenda
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 10th March 2022 in Roughton Village Hall starting at 7.30 pm. This is one week earlier than discussed at the previous meeting due to the village hall being double-booked. This will adhere to all COVID guidelines in place at the time of the meeting going ahead. There will be an open forum for any members of the public who wish to bring an item to the Councils attention. Members of the public may stay to the meeting but are reminded they may not speak during council business.
10 minutes for public questions
1. Chairman’s remarks.
2. Apologies.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. (Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interest form or put in writing to the Monitoring Office at East Lindsey District Council).
4. Notes of meeting held on 13th January 2022 to be approved as minutes.
5. County Councillor Report.
6. District Councillor Report.
7. Clerks Report: Councillor Co-options, police report etc.
8. Notice Board update.
9. Planning:
a. Applications.
b. Permissions granted.
10. Training Available.
11. Finances:
a. Bank Balances and signing of Statements.
b. Precept Update.
c. Payments required.
d. Bank Signatory Paperwork update.
12. Date of Next Meeting.
To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session – should this
Resolution be passed the public will be required to leave the meeting at this
13. Clerks Salary and expenses 13th Jan 22 – 10th Mar 22.