September 2021 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 9th September 2021
At Roughton Village Hall starting at the 7.30pm.
Those present: Councillor Poucher (Chair), Councillors Davies, Dormer, Drew, Councillor Mrs Lynaugh and the clerk Mrs S Helliwell.
In Attendance: County Councillor Bradwell.
Public: 1 member of public.
The member of public introduced herself and addressed the meeting to voice her concerns at the excess speeds being used by motorists through Roughton village and about potholes as you exit the village towards the B1191. A discussion took place regarding these issues and all Councillors agreed that they felt traffic did travel too fast through the village at present. The clerk said she had emailed Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) about a possible speed limit change on the B1191 after a speeding discussion at the parish council meeting in May. The County Councillor said that the LRSP are all about data and won’t take action without it. Councillor Dormer said he felt a complete review of Roughton is required as more haulage is now travelling through the village also. He thought the 30mph speed limit needed extending as well as better signage. He also said that the grass verges were used constantly when two vehicles were passing each other. It was decided that the County Councillor would look into the whole issue for the parish council and in the first instance she would request that PCSO Wass do several speed surveys at various times to see what sort of data that provided. Councillor Dormer was doubtful about this as he said that drivers slowed down when they saw a PCSO but the County Councillor said that any speed monitoring has to be clearly visible but the PCSO is very experienced and will be able to tell when motorists are braking sharply.
046 Chair’s Remarks: The Chair thanked everyone for attending and giving their time and apologised for having to miss the last meeting at short notice.
047 Apologies: Councillor Mrs Simpson due to illness, District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray due to COVID self-isolation and PCSO Wass. Councillors proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to accept these apologies.
048 Declarations of Interest: None.
049 To approve the notes of the meeting held on 8th July 2021 as minutes:
These were proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to be correct. They were signed by the Chair.
050 County Councillor Report: The County Councillor informed the meeting that the piece of road between Roughton and Kirkby-on-Bain that was very badly pot-holed had been resealed as it was so bad. She said that from Tower Drive to Roughton would be resurfaced at the end of Sept/beginning of Oct to meet up with the good road surface. She asked if Roughton had any drainage issues? The junction of Sandy Lane was mentioned and CC Bradwell said that drain would be realigned when the road is resurfaced. It was mentioned that the hedge on that side of the road needs thrashing back. CC Bradwell said she would do a search of who owns the hedge, it may be that a land search will have to be paid for but she was aware that it is making the road narrower. The Chair said that Moor Lane near Wellsyke Lane does get flooded and the County Councillor said she would check how much work was done there recently.
051 District Councillor Report: District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray not in attendance.
052 Clerks Report:
a. The clerk offered apologies from PCSO Wass who had said that fortunately he had nothing to report to the meeting.
b. The clerk informed the meeting that the bench is now in place next to the bus stop on the B1191 with its plaque attached. The builder required payment of £305.00 and all Councillors agreed this payment, cheque number 700283.
c. The clerk advised that she had ordered two litter bins as requested which had been delivered to ELDC. The bins had now been sited by ELDC at each layby at Dalderby and ELDC will now empty and maintain as required. The member of public that had requested them from the parish council had already advised the clerk that seven bags of rubbish had been collected around the area. The clerk provided an invoice for the litter bins and all Councillors agreed payment of £415.20, cheque number 700284.
053 Planning:
a. Applications: S/141/01855/21, 66 Horncastle Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UZ – No objection. S/215/01699/21, Land Off Horncastle Road & Tower Drive, Woodhall Spa – No objection. S/141/01547/21, 118 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UX – No objection. S/086/01658/21, Plot 10, The Sidings, Horncastle – No objection.
b. Permissions Granted: S/141/01181/21, The Old Mill, Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6YQ – Full Planning Permission. S/141/01005/21, 62 Horncastle Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincs, LN10 6UZ – Full Planning Permission.
.054 Training Available: The Clerk informed all of the training currently available.
055 Finances:
a. Bank Balances and signing of statements. The clerk confirmed current account balance of £5108.00 and deposit account balance of £15.14, a total of £5123.14 which is the same balance as the previous meeting due to two signatories not attending the last meeting. No bank statements required checking and signing.
b. Audit Update. The clerk informed that she had received a notification of exempt status by the external auditor.
056 Date of Next Meeting and Items for Agenda: The date of the next Roughton Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Thursday 11th November 2021 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Agreed by all.
Agenda Items: Items to be forwarded to the clerk prior to the agenda being published.
057 Clerks Salary and Expenses: The Council agreed to pay the clerks salary and expenses for the period 8th Jul 21 – 9th Sept 21, £306.79, Cheque No. 700285 which included the cost of the plaque for the bench (receipt provided).
Meeting Closed at 8.22pm