April 2023 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 20thApril 2023 at 7.30pm in Roughton Village Hall
Those present: Councillor Dormer (Chair), Councillors Davis, Roberts, Spurrier and Willey.
In Attendance: County Councillor Bradwell, District Councillor Gray , Sgt Andy Burkinshaw
Public: 4 members of the public were present.
001 Chair’s Welcome: The Chair welcomed all in attendance and thanked everyone for giving their time.
002 Apologies: Clerk Karen Handley, Councillor Perie, and Councillor Drew. Councillors proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to accept these apologies.
003 Presentation by Sgt Andy Burkinshaw: Advised that he was from Horncastle Police Station, and that they had a number of stated priorities. These are: Anti-Social Behaviour, Motor Offences Speeding, Seat-belts, Drink and Drugs and using Mobile Phones, and finally Fraud and Scams. In respect of Anti-social behaviour, a number of letters had been sent to perpetrators in Horncastle and Woodhall Spa, concerning rowdiness etc, and the police work with Housing Authorities to evict repeat offenders. In one case, they seized a motorbike. In the case of motoring Offences, they remain vigilant and monitor speeding through villages, although the resource to do so is being squeezed. However, agreement was expressed that they should be able to monitor at key times such as between 4pm and 6pm on week days. There was a spike in fraud cases at Christmas, but the force gave increased publicity to Scams and liaised with London forces to help protect vulnerable individuals. There has not been any spike in burglaries, although there have been some rural thefts. There are currently 6 PCSOs in the area, but these positions are all disappearing so that resources can be employed in the areas with most need. It was acknowledged that this would have a big impact, but was required to save money. The positive is that we are living in a low crime area. Leaflets and posters were left for the public, and Sgt Burkinshaw reassured the meeting that police cover was of course available from surrounding areas, taking away the message that speeding through villages was in general our biggest concern. The Chair thanked Sgt Burkinshaw for giving up his time.
004 Approval of the minutes from 12th May 2022: The Chair gave a synopsis of the minutes. It was proposed to accept the minutes as a true record by all who had been present. They were signed by the Chair.
005 Chairman’s Annual Report: The Chair confirmed that during this year we lost a Councillor, a Chairman and a clerk through resignations, and we express our thanks to Councillors Poucher and Lynaugh for their lengthy service. We have co-opted 2 Councillors (Willey and Spurrier) to bring our numbers up to where they should be and recruited a new clerk.
Traffic speeds and vehicle weights through Roughton has been the biggest issue to be addressed in the last 12 months. During that time, there have been many discussions on what can be done to address the problem, and involvement with Highways at LCC together with the Road Safety Partnership. There have been visits and walk throughs by 3 LCC representatives, together with letters written to 5 haulage and HGV operators in the locality asking them to try to ensure their vehicles avoid Roughton where possible and take care through the village if not possible. The Chair highlighted that Pedersons Cleaning Services Ltd have also made a substantial donation towards the costs involved with trying to manage the traffic issues in Roughton. Our grateful thanks to Pedersons. The wheels have turned very slowly, but we are now starting to see things happening, with 30mph signs painted on the road in 4 places, an additional speed limit sign installed, and 8 passive check your speed signs positioned through the village. After liaising with Kirkby on Bain Parish Council, we are combining forces to purchase a speed gun, and will be setting up a Community Speedwatch with interested residents. Verges will be reviewed within the village this spring, and Roughton is included in a countywide HGV weight limits assessment. We continue to push for an extension to the 30mph speed limit, both north and south, to take in particularly hazardous bends and road narrowing. Gateways at each end of the village are considered helpful, but budgetary constraints prevent currently.
Council have arranged for potholes to be repaired wherever they are drawn to our attention, although it is difficult to keep up with them!
The Roughton Parish Council website is now being updated and improved. Worth a look. The Parish Council responded to a request from LIVES and has made an increased donation this year as it is considered to be an important charity for our parishioners. Thornton residents made a strong representation to Council and requested improvements in B1191 safety going through their hamlet. As a result of 8 accidents in 5 years, one of which was tragically fatal, they wished to see a reduced speed limit, better signage and resolution to flooding which has constantly caused problems, and this has been strongly supported with work currently taking place with Lincolnshire County Council to see what can be done. The Parish Council has reluctantly sought a 19% increase in the annual precept to enable us to continue to respond to needs in the Parish, but to do so in a meaningful way. The precept has remained at its very low level for many years (at least 6), and whilst any increase is difficult for parishioners, the 19% is equivalent to an additional cost of just £2 per year to Band D property Council Tax.
006 Matters Arising: None
007 Questions from the Public: One member of the public stated that she was from Thornton, and just wanted to express their thanks to the Council for the strong support given to their road safety request. The Chair confirmed that this would continue to be supported. There were no further questions, although County Councillor Bradwell queried what type of repairs had been made to the Roughton road, clarifying that as these were on the edge of the carriageway, they were difficult to maintain.
Meeting closed at 8.00pm