May 2022 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th May 2022 at 7.30pm in Roughton Village Hall
Those present: Councillor Poucher (Chair), Councillors Davis, Dormer, Perie, Roberts and the clerk Mrs S Helliwell.
In Attendance: None.
Public: One member of the public was present.
001 Chair’s Welcome: The Chair welcomed all in attendance and thanked everyone for giving their time.
002 Apologies: Councillor Drew visiting family out of area and District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray attending ELDC’s AGM. Councillors proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to accept these apologies.
003 Approval of the minutes from 20th May 2021: It was proposed to accept the minutes as a true record by all. They were signed by the Chair.
Chairman’s Annual Report
The Chair confirmed that Roughton had co-opted three new Councillors onto the Parish Council in the past financial year. Also, that the Parish Council had purchased two litter bins one for each layby at Dalderby that the District Council would empty as necessary. The Parish Council had refurbished the notice board and a bench had been sited on Roughton Moor near the bus stop with a memorial plaque for Councillor Andy Smith who had been Chair of Roughton Parish Council for many years.
004 Matters Arising: None.
005 Questions from the Public: The member of the public asked if planning applications for the parish could be printed and published on the notice board in the village. The clerk said this wouldn’t be possible as some applications can have many documents and space on the notice board is very limited – All planning applications can be viewed on East Lindsey District Council website and a link to this is available on the parish council website. The member of the public also voiced her concerns about speeding in the village and asked what has been done about it. The clerk said she would contact County Councillor Bradwell as it had been discussed previously that the County Councillor would ask PCSO Wass to carry out a speed survey in the village but as he had left his position the clerk wasn’t sure if this was still going ahead. Discussion then took place about the speeding problem throughout the village and Councillor Dormer believed better signage in the village may help along with the 30mph speed limit being extended further out of the village in all directions. All Councillors who lived in the village said along with speeding, HGV traffic was also problematic especially first thing in the morning. It was felt that HGV traffic also sped along the roads which aren’t really suitable for heavy vehicles and roads weren’t wide enough for them and other vehicles to pass safely without mounting the grass verges which were being ruined. All Councillors agreed that the clerk write a letter to the local haulage depot and the firms that operate out of there in the first instance to request that speed is reduced and to explain that the parish council had concerns. It was also agreed by all that the clerk approach Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding signage in the village. Councillor Perie said she was interested in the Community Speed Watch Scheme and had enough volunteers to run this. She said she was happy to contact them regarding training and running a Community Speed Watch – All Councillors agreed this would be an excellent idea.
Meeting closed at 7.55 pm