May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2019 at 7.30pm in Roughton Village Hall
Those present: Councillor Smith (Chair), Councillors Drew, Lupton, Poucher and the clerk Mrs S Helliwell.
In Attendance: District Councillor Fitzaden-Gray.
Public: One members of the public was present.
001 Chair’s Welcome: The Chair welcomed all in attendance and thanked everyone for giving their time. There was one member of the public present, Mrs Lisa Simpson and the Chair stated that Mrs Simpson had expressed an interest in being a Parish Councillor. The clerk said as it was within 35 days of an election it was possible for the Parish Councillors to co-opt Mrs Simpson onto the Parish Council straight away should they wish to do so. Councillor Lupton proposed Mrs Simpson onto the Parish Council and Councillor Smith seconded – Agreed by all. Mrs Simpson joined the meeting at this point and the clerk will advise ELDC as required.
002 Apologies: Councillors Dormer and Lynaugh. Councillors proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to accept these apologies. The local PCSO had also offered his apologies.
003 Approval of the minutes from 17th May 2018: It was proposed to accept the minutes as a true record. They were signed by the Chair.
004 Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
005 Questions from the Public: None, although Councillor Drew did comment that the bus shelter on Horncastle Road was looking particularly dirty. Councillor Lupton said he would look into power washing it.
Chairman’s Annual Report
The Chair said it was another quiet year for the Parish Council with no contentious planning applications. The telephone box had been refurbished this year with a repaint and strap hinge being repaired and it now looked far better than previously.
Meeting closed at 7.42 pm